Tuesday, January 16, 2024

You might think it is just Spelling How words work

My latest book is titled:

                             You might think it is just spelling

Do you know how words work? 

I have spent many weeks developing this book and although it is divided into Letter, Word, and Language Spellers as teachers, we know that children's learning and development of spelling, reading and writing is not so ordered.

I do not intend to travel to give workshops. Yet, I want teachers to have the tools to provide explicit comprehensive instruction so they can integrate aspects of written language - letter, word and grammatical knowledge into their teaching in the classroom.

Consider what a daunting challenge it is for young children to learn how to spell. A few letters, but oh! so many sounds. How do you teach THAT? A lot more easily if you read this book.

The book is based on solid theory and strong in ‘classroom-ready’ suggestions. The developmental approach covers three phases of spellers’ experiences, whether they’re native English speakers, new-to-English  learners, or special education students you will gather ideas to work with your students

Most importantly, learners learn to spell when models are extracted from writing and reading. Spelling does not stand alone–it is learnt in the context of continuous print.

The material discusses why having one teaching emphasis cannot be successful because that is not how learning happens. Teachers utilize written models as discussion points - Shared Reading, and constructed writing, independent writing and reinforcement activities. Of course, analytical assessment is included. Its importance is because it gives teachers the particulars to discuss with individual children, their appropriate and inappropriate strategies they are using and their progression. Examples of these teaching aspects and so much more are included.

If spellers rely fully on sound they miss other vital strategies, such as looking into words, especially parts that are tricky, e.g. be-cause, new/knew. The diagraph 'ar' comes to the fore and of course meaning is constant.

Examining the language chapter you will find that it begins by discussing verbs; used for all sorts of purposes. Morphology e.g. prefixes (meaning) and suffixes (grammatical forms) are vital learning.


In addition to classroom teaching strategies this book is loaded with reinforcement activities and numerous information and procedures to keep you and your students on track. These include:

§ Examples of assessment and recording sheets; assessments particular to each developmental level

§ Self-help spelling strategy map

§ A handwriting program integrated into the learning of sounds and symbols

§ Individual spelling programme

§ An example outline, of a shared reading weekly plan

§ Developing morphemic knowledge

§ Divergent thinking activities

§ Importance of Proofreading

§ Word form (grammatical) explanations

§ A Spelling generalizations section

§ Suggested computer programs children can utilize

§ Glossary of terms.

 Poor spelling [and handwriting / typewriting] can inhibit children from fluently writing and reading. Get them to write with ease from the start.

 An addition, is Appendix 1 Knowing what affects spelling, for example, Dyslexia.

The oddities and yet definiteness of words and language affects not only writing and reading but children's well being.




I am offering copies of my complete book, not bound, but in page form, to be sent via e-mail to you. To request copies of my book email me liz.simon@laspedagogy.com


You need to forward your email address so I can forward all the pages of the book. 


As well, but not obligatory, send X amount of money to a charity (can be of your choosing). Three I suggest are:


The smithfamily



Unicef Australia



Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), an independent international medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural or man-made disasters.


posted by lizsimonliteracyconsultant.blogspot.com @ January 15, 2024  0 comments 




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